2024 中文三週速達夏季班
2024 Three Weeks Express Program
Summer Session (2024/8/12 ~ 2024/8/30)

1. 申請之學員志願參加中文三週速達班,且遵守中華民國法律、國語中心學生規範及活動安全注意事項,如不遵守規定,發生意外,願自行負責。
The applicant attends the Three-week Express Program of their own volition. He or she agrees to abide by safety codes of the program, MTC rules, and ROC laws, and is willing to take full responsibility should any breach of said regulations and laws occur.

2. 主辦單位保有將活動過程攝影及錄製存檔及公開播放的權利。
The MTC reserves the right to produce a record of program activities via photos, videos and/or any other media for the duration of the program, and use the materials at their discretion.

3. 學員需在出發前自行處理簽證及海外保險事宜。課程期間本中心僅為每位學員投保平安意外險(100萬意外險+3萬意外醫療險)。
Mandatory accident insurance has been included in tuition fees for the duration of the program (NT$ 1 million for accidental death insurance + NT$ 30,000 for accidental medical insurance.) Procedures such as entry visas to Taiwan and enrollment in overseas insurance must be handled in the country of the applicant prior to arrival.

4. 本人授權台師大國語教學中心以及其人員在緊急必要時為該生安排任何醫療處理:其中包含依據醫師或專業醫療人員的建議,進行醫療行為,亦同意支付其保險未包含之額外醫療相關費用。
The applicant authorizes Mandarin Training Center of NTNU and its personnel to arrange for medical treatment as deemed necessary by a doctor or health care professional for him or her for the duration of the program. The applicant also accepts full responsibility for any medical expenses which are not covered by the student’s insurance policy.

5. 繳費後至開學日前一天退還學費九成,上課未逾營隊時間三分之一者退五成,上課逾三分之一則不予退費。註冊費不予退費。所有退費事宜將於課程結束後統一辦理。
The refund policy is as follows:
    Condition 1.: 90% of tuition will be refunded for requests submitted before the first day of the program.
    Condition 2.: 50% of tuition will be refunded for requests submitted before 1/3 of the program has been completed.
    Condition 3.: No refunds will be given for requests submitted after 1/3 of the program has been completed.
    Condition 4.: The registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
All refund requests will be processed at the end of the program.

6. 本中心不提供任何住宿服務。請參考網站之”住宿資訊”並自行提早預訂。
The MTC is not responsible for any arrangements regarding student housing accommodations. Please refer to “Accommodations” for more information and make reservations as soon as possible.

7. 線上申請完成後,回覆信件立刻自動寄至申請者所填寫之連絡電子郵件信箱,為避免因系統設定等因素而無法成功遞達而延誤報名,若在送出線上報名24小時內未收到回覆信件,請盡速與我們連絡。
Following submission of the on-line application, an automated response will be sent to the contact email provided. Please contact us to confirm reception of the application if you do not receive the automated email within 24 hours after submission.

8. 完成線上申請並非表示報名完成,必須完成其回覆信之說明事項始完成報名。若未在其所指示之期限內完成所有報名程序,包含匯款並電郵收據至本單位,則視同棄權,本單位則有權將其名額給候補名單。
Applications are NOT considered complete until all requirements indicated in the automated reply have been fulfilled. The application process, including wire payment and submission of receipt to the MTC, must be completed before the deadline as indicated in the automated reply. If the process has not been completed on time, the application will be considered incomplete and the applicant’s seat will be cancelled.

9. 為防止詐騙事件,請注意匯款資訊是由國語中心之信箱發出(studymtc@deps.ntnu.edu.tw),請注意美金受款戶名 「National Taiwan Normal University 402U account」。
Be cautious of possible scams. Please make sure the email notification containing remittance information is sent from (studymtc@deps.ntnu.edu.tw) and the beneficiary name is “National Taiwan Normal University 402U account.”

10. 本活動訊息一律採電子郵件通知。繳費通知將於today by auto-reply email寄至您的電郵信箱。若屆時仍未收到該通知,或有任何問題,請主動聯絡我們,否則本單位將視同已收獲通知並充分了解其內容。
All notices for this program will be sent by e-mail only. Payment information will be delivered via email on today by auto-reply email. If the applicant has not received it by then, or if there are any questions regarding our program, please contact us as soon as possible. Unless notified otherwise, the MTC will assume that the applicant has received all information.

  I have read and understood the information provided by the website, and agree to the above conditions.