Three Weeks Express Program
2025 Three-Week Express Program:Winter Course
(2025/1/6 ~ 2025/1/24)

"Pending" 表示我們已經收到您的報名資訊,但尚未完成繳費。
"Processing" 表示我們正在確認您的繳費狀況。
"Received" 表示您已完成繳費。
"Completed" 表示您已報名成功。
"Waiting List" 表示您是候補名單。

Please refer to your reference number to confirm the status of your credit card payment:
"Pending" indicates that we have received your registration information, but payment has not been completed yet.
"Processing" indicates that we are verifying your payment status.
"Received" indicates that you have completed the payment.
"Completed" indicates that your registration is successful.
"Waiting List" indicates that you are on the waiting list.
FIRST / PREV / 第 6 頁 / NEXT / LAST
序號 No. 姓名 Name 繳費狀態 Payment status 完成報名手續 Application Process
52 NA****** received pics ok Completed
53 Br****** received pics ok Completed
54 Ko****** received pics ok Completed
55 Lu****** pending pending
56 Me****** received Completed
57 Ay****** pending pending
58 Ra****** pending pending
59 Si****** received pics ok Completed
60 Re****** received pics ok Completed
61 Do****** received pics ok Completed