1. 報名國語中心學季班課程,請在線上申請系統填寫申請表,並上傳學歷證明、財力證明及護照資料的影像檔。若申請文件非中文或英文,需翻譯為英文。本中心不收取申請費用。To apply for MTC seasonal programs, please fill out the application form on the online application system, and upload the image files of applicant’s diploma, financial statement, and information page of passport. Documents not issued in Chinese or English must be accompanied by a translation. MTC does not charge the application fee. 2. 本人填寫報名資料皆屬實,且願意遵守中華民國法律、國語中心學生規範。 I hereby confirm the correctness of the information given on the application materials, and I am willing to follow the ROC laws and MTC student regulations. 3. 報名資料上傳完成後,將在一週以內的時間完成審查,請用會員帳號、密碼查詢你的申請狀態。 After your application materials are uploaded, the materials will be reviewed within one week. Please check your application status with your account name and password. 4. 本中心報名審核通過後,請依信上的註冊日期來台完成註冊、繳交學費及分班測驗的程序。After MTC approve your application, please complete the registration process (tuition payment and placement test) as indicated in the admission letter. 5. 入學許可信為簽證申請所需文件,請妥善保管。來台簽證的申請規定請參考本中心網站或詢問申請人所在地的台灣駐外使館或辦事處。 MTC admission letter is one of the required documents for visa application. Please keep the letter. For information of visa application, please refer to MTC website or contact the ROC embassy, consulate, or representative office nearest you in your home country.
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